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Agency City County State Technology Vendor
Sacramento County Sheriff's Office Sacramento Sacramento County CA Cell-site Simulator
The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office acquired cell-site simulator technology in 2014, according data compiled by Kevin Collier for Vocativ.
Agency: Sacramento County Sheriff's Office
State: CA
City: Sacramento
County: Sacramento County
Technology: Cell-site Simulator

The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office acquired cell-site simulator technology in 2014, according data compiled by Kevin Collier for Vocativ.

Sacramento County Sheriff's Office Sacramento Sacramento County CA Gunshot Detection ShotSpotter
The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office implemented a ShotSpotter gunshot detection system in 2017. However, the sheriff announced plans to end the contract after 2020 due to budget constraints.
Agency: Sacramento County Sheriff's Office
State: CA
City: Sacramento
County: Sacramento County
Technology: Gunshot Detection
Vendor: ShotSpotter

The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office implemented a ShotSpotter gunshot detection system in 2017. However, the sheriff announced plans to end the contract after 2020 due to budget constraints.

Sacramento County Sheriff's Office Sacramento Sacramento County CA Face Recognition Vigilant Solutions
As of 2016, 500 Sacramento County Sheriff's Office deputies had access to face recogition technology.
Agency: Sacramento County Sheriff's Office
State: CA
City: Sacramento
County: Sacramento County
Technology: Face Recognition
Vendor: Vigilant Solutions

As of 2016, 500 Sacramento County Sheriff's Office deputies had access to face recogition technology.