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Documenting Police Tech in Our Communities
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Agency City County State Technology Vendor
Corrales Police Department Corrales Sandoval County NM Body-worn Cameras Wolfcom
The Corrales Police Department uses Wolfcom body-worn cameras, according to a testimonial on the company's website.
Agency: Corrales Police Department
State: NM
City: Corrales
County: Sandoval County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Wolfcom

The Corrales Police Department uses Wolfcom body-worn cameras, according to a testimonial on the company's website.

Rio Rancho Police Department Rio Rancho Sandoval County NM Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Rio Rancho Police Department uses Axon body-worn cameras.
Agency: Rio Rancho Police Department
State: NM
City: Rio Rancho
County: Sandoval County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Rio Rancho Police Department uses Axon body-worn cameras.

Rio Rancho Police Department Rio Rancho Sandoval County NM Face Recognition Clearview AI
The Rio Rancho Police Department began a three-year trial of Clearview AI face recognition software in 2023.
Agency: Rio Rancho Police Department
State: NM
City: Rio Rancho
County: Sandoval County
Technology: Face Recognition
Vendor: Clearview AI

The Rio Rancho Police Department began a three-year trial of Clearview AI face recognition software in 2023.

Jemez Pueblo Police Department Jemez Pueblo Sandoval County NM Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Jemez Pueblo Police Department began using Axon body-worn cameras in 2014.
Agency: Jemez Pueblo Police Department
State: NM
City: Jemez Pueblo
County: Sandoval County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Jemez Pueblo Police Department began using Axon body-worn cameras in 2014.

Rio Rancho Public Schools Rio Rancho Sandoval County NM Gunshot Detection
Rio Rancho Public Schools indicated that it was seeking $1.5 million from the state for gunshot detection in the district's 10 elementaries and four middle schools and that it had funds to install the system in two high schools. The district reported that the project for the two high schools was completed in 2019.
Agency: Rio Rancho Public Schools
State: NM
City: Rio Rancho
County: Sandoval County
Technology: Gunshot Detection

Rio Rancho Public Schools indicated that it was seeking $1.5 million from the state for gunshot detection in the district's 10 elementaries and four middle schools and that it had funds to install the system in two high schools. The district reported that the project for the two high schools was completed in 2019.

Sandoval County Sheriff's Office Bernalillo Sandoval County NM Body-worn Cameras
Tthe Sandoval County Sheriff's Office has been using body-worn cameras since at least 2010.
Agency: Sandoval County Sheriff's Office
State: NM
City: Bernalillo
County: Sandoval County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Tthe Sandoval County Sheriff's Office has been using body-worn cameras since at least 2010.

Laguna Police Department Laguna Cibola County, Bernalillo County, Valencia County, Sandoval County NM Body-worn Cameras
The Pueblo of Laguna Police Department uses body-worn cameras.
Agency: Laguna Police Department
State: NM
City: Laguna
County: Cibola County, Bernalillo County, Valencia County, Sandoval County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Pueblo of Laguna Police Department uses body-worn cameras.

Rio Rancho Police Department Rio Rancho Sandoval County NM Automated License Plate Readers
The Rio Rancho Police Department obtained automated license plate readers in 2018.
Agency: Rio Rancho Police Department
State: NM
City: Rio Rancho
County: Sandoval County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

The Rio Rancho Police Department obtained automated license plate readers in 2018.

Rio Rancho Police Department Rio Rancho Bernalillo County, Sandoval County NM Drones DJI
The Rio Rancho Police Department operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Rio Rancho Police Department
State: NM
City: Rio Rancho
County: Bernalillo County, Sandoval County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Rio Rancho Police Department operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Rio Rancho Police Department Rio Rancho Sandoval County NM Camera Registry
The Rio Rancho Police Department started a registry of surveillance cameras voluntarily submitted by local residents and businesses in 2015.
Agency: Rio Rancho Police Department
State: NM
City: Rio Rancho
County: Sandoval County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Rio Rancho Police Department started a registry of surveillance cameras voluntarily submitted by local residents and businesses in 2015.