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Agency City County State Technology Vendor
Abbeville Police Department Abbeville Abbeville County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Abbeville Police Department received $19500 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal year 2018.
Agency: Abbeville Police Department
State: SC
City: Abbeville
County: Abbeville County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Abbeville Police Department received $19500 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal year 2018.

Abbeville County Sheriff's Office Abbeville Abbeville County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Abbeville County Sheriff's Office received a total of $66529.55 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal years 2019-2022.
Agency: Abbeville County Sheriff's Office
State: SC
City: Abbeville
County: Abbeville County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Abbeville County Sheriff's Office received a total of $66529.55 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal years 2019-2022.

Due West Police Department Due West Abbeville County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Due West Police Department purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $2,921 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Agency: Due West Police Department
State: SC
City: Due West
County: Abbeville County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Due West Police Department purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $2,921 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.

Erskine College Police Department Due West Abbeville County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Erskine College Police Department purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $1,725 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Agency: Erskine College Police Department
State: SC
City: Due West
County: Abbeville County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Erskine College Police Department purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $1,725 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.

Abington Police Department Abington Abington County MA Third-party Investigative Platforms SoundThinking
The Abington Police Department has access to SoundThinking's CrimeTracer (formerly Coplink X) investigative platform through a statewide contract announced in December 2022.
Agency: Abington Police Department
State: MA
City: Abington
County: Abington County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: SoundThinking

The Abington Police Department has access to SoundThinking's CrimeTracer (formerly Coplink X) investigative platform through a statewide contract announced in December 2022.

Acadia Parish Sheriff's Office Crowley Acadia Parish LA Body-worn Cameras
The Acadia Parish Sheriff's Office had 32 body-worn cameras, according to a 2019 survey.
Agency: Acadia Parish Sheriff's Office
State: LA
City: Crowley
County: Acadia Parish
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Acadia Parish Sheriff's Office had 32 body-worn cameras, according to a 2019 survey.

Church Point Police Department Church Point Acadia Parish LA Body-worn Cameras
The Church Point Police Department had 10 body-worn cameras, according to a 2019 survey.
Agency: Church Point Police Department
State: LA
City: Church Point
County: Acadia Parish
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Church Point Police Department had 10 body-worn cameras, according to a 2019 survey.

Iota Police Department Iota Acadia Parish LA Body-worn Cameras
The Iota Police Department had 1 body-worn cameras, according to a 2019 survey.
Agency: Iota Police Department
State: LA
City: Iota
County: Acadia Parish
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Iota Police Department had 1 body-worn cameras, according to a 2019 survey.

Chincoteague Police Department Chincoteague Accomack County VA Body-worn Cameras
The Chincoteague Police Department uses body-worn cameras.
Agency: Chincoteague Police Department
State: VA
City: Chincoteague
County: Accomack County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Chincoteague Police Department uses body-worn cameras.

Acton Police Department Acton Acton County MA Third-party Investigative Platforms SoundThinking
The Acton Police Department has access to SoundThinking's CrimeTracer (formerly Coplink X) investigative platform through a statewide contract announced in December 2022.
Agency: Acton Police Department
State: MA
City: Acton
County: Acton County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: SoundThinking

The Acton Police Department has access to SoundThinking's CrimeTracer (formerly Coplink X) investigative platform through a statewide contract announced in December 2022.

Acushnet Police Department Acushnet Acushnet County MA Third-party Investigative Platforms SoundThinking
The Acushnet Police Department has access to SoundThinking's CrimeTracer (formerly Coplink X) investigative platform through a statewide contract announced in December 2022.
Agency: Acushnet Police Department
State: MA
City: Acushnet
County: Acushnet County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: SoundThinking

The Acushnet Police Department has access to SoundThinking's CrimeTracer (formerly Coplink X) investigative platform through a statewide contract announced in December 2022.

Garden City Police Department Garden City Ada ID Body-worn Cameras
The Garden City Police Department implemented a body-worn camera policy in 2018.
Agency: Garden City Police Department
State: ID
City: Garden City
County: Ada
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Garden City Police Department implemented a body-worn camera policy in 2018.

Ada County Sheriff's Office Boise Ada County ID Drones DJI
The Ada County Sheriff's Office operated DJI drones as of 2017, upgrading them as recently as 2019.
Agency: Ada County Sheriff's Office
State: ID
City: Boise
County: Ada County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Ada County Sheriff's Office operated DJI drones as of 2017, upgrading them as recently as 2019.

Boise Police Department Boise Ada County ID Drones DJI
The Boise Police Department operates four DJI drones as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Boise Police Department
State: ID
City: Boise
County: Ada County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Boise Police Department operates four DJI drones as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Idaho State Police Meridian Ada County ID Drones DJI
The Idaho State Police Department operates six DJI drones as of 2016, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Idaho State Police
State: ID
City: Meridian
County: Ada County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Idaho State Police Department operates six DJI drones as of 2016, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Meridian Police Department Meridian Ada County ID Drones
The Meridian Police Department operates one drone as of 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Meridian Police Department
State: ID
City: Meridian
County: Ada County
Technology: Drones

The Meridian Police Department operates one drone as of 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Idaho Criminal Intelligence Center Meridian Ada County ID Fusion Center
The Idaho Criminal Intelligence Center is one of 79 fusion centers in the United States. Operated by local and state law enforcement in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a fusion center serves as a command center for gathering, analyzing and disseminating intelligence and other public safety information.
Agency: Idaho Criminal Intelligence Center
State: ID
City: Meridian
County: Ada County
Technology: Fusion Center

The Idaho Criminal Intelligence Center is one of 79 fusion centers in the United States. Operated by local and state law enforcement in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a fusion center serves as a command center for gathering, analyzing and disseminating intelligence and other public safety information.

Meridian Police Department Meridian Ada County ID Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Meridian Police Department installed Flock Safety automated license plate readers in 2023.
Agency: Meridian Police Department
State: ID
City: Meridian
County: Ada County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Meridian Police Department installed Flock Safety automated license plate readers in 2023.

Adair County Sheriff's Office Kirksville Adair County MO Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Adair County Sheriff's Office purchased Axon body-worn cameras in 2015.
Agency: Adair County Sheriff's Office
State: MO
City: Kirksville
County: Adair County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Adair County Sheriff's Office purchased Axon body-worn cameras in 2015.

Oklahoma 27th District Attorney's Office Wagoner Adair County, Cherokee County, Sequoyah County, Wagoner County OK Automated License Plate Readers Rekor Systems
The District Attorneys Council has installed Rekor Systems automated license plate readers across the state as part of its Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Program.
Agency: Oklahoma 27th District Attorney's Office
State: OK
City: Wagoner
County: Adair County, Cherokee County, Sequoyah County, Wagoner County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Rekor Systems

The District Attorneys Council has installed Rekor Systems automated license plate readers across the state as part of its Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Program.

Kirksville Police Department Kirksville Adair County MO Body-worn Cameras Axon
Kirskville Police Department acquired Axon body-worn cameras for $13,323 per year in 2017.
Agency: Kirksville Police Department
State: MO
City: Kirksville
County: Adair County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

Kirskville Police Department acquired Axon body-worn cameras for $13,323 per year in 2017.

Truman State University Police Department Kirksville Adair County MO Body-worn Cameras
The Truman State University Police Department received $18,060 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase 12 body-worn cameras through the 2022 Small, Rural, Tribal BWC Microgrant program.
Agency: Truman State University Police Department
State: MO
City: Kirksville
County: Adair County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Truman State University Police Department received $18,060 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase 12 body-worn cameras through the 2022 Small, Rural, Tribal BWC Microgrant program.

Adams County Sheriff’s Office Brighton Adams County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The Adams County Sheriff’s Office received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: Adams County Sheriff’s Office
State: CO
City: Brighton
County: Adams County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The Adams County Sheriff’s Office received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Westminster Police Department Westminster Adams County, Jefferson County CO Automated License Plate Readers ELSAG
The Westminster Police Department began using ELSAG automated license plate readers in 2009. In 2018 and 2019, the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance awarded the department funds for its ALPR program.
Agency: Westminster Police Department
State: CO
City: Westminster
County: Adams County, Jefferson County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: ELSAG

The Westminster Police Department began using ELSAG automated license plate readers in 2009. In 2018 and 2019, the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance awarded the department funds for its ALPR program.

Commerce City Police Department Commerce City Adams County CO Automated License Plate Readers Vigilant Solutions
The Commerce City Police Department received funding from the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CAPTA) to purchase automate license plate readers.
Agency: Commerce City Police Department
State: CO
City: Commerce City
County: Adams County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Vigilant Solutions

The Commerce City Police Department received funding from the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CAPTA) to purchase automate license plate readers.

Thornton Police Department Thornton Adams County, Weld County CO Automated License Plate Readers Vigilant Solutions
The Thornton Police Department received funding from the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CAPTA) to purchase automate license plate readers.
Agency: Thornton Police Department
State: CO
City: Thornton
County: Adams County, Weld County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Vigilant Solutions

The Thornton Police Department received funding from the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CAPTA) to purchase automate license plate readers.

Adams County Sheriff's Office Brighton Adams County CO Automated License Plate Readers Vigilant Solutions
The Adams County Sheriff's Office received funding from the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CAPTA) to purchase automate license plate readers.
Agency: Adams County Sheriff's Office
State: CO
City: Brighton
County: Adams County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Vigilant Solutions

The Adams County Sheriff's Office received funding from the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CAPTA) to purchase automate license plate readers.

Natchez Police Department Natchez Adams County MS Body-worn Cameras
The Natchez Police Department began using body-worn cameras in 2017.
Agency: Natchez Police Department
State: MS
City: Natchez
County: Adams County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Natchez Police Department began using body-worn cameras in 2017.

Aurora Police Department Aurora Adams County, Arapahoe County, Douglas County CO Body-worn Cameras VieVu
The City of Aurora purchased 427 body-worn cameras in 2016.
Agency: Aurora Police Department
State: CO
City: Aurora
County: Adams County, Arapahoe County, Douglas County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: VieVu

The City of Aurora purchased 427 body-worn cameras in 2016.

Thornton Police Department Thornton Adams County, Weld County CO Body-worn Cameras
The Thornton Police Department received federal funding for body-worn cameras in 2018 and 2022.
Agency: Thornton Police Department
State: CO
City: Thornton
County: Adams County, Weld County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Thornton Police Department received federal funding for body-worn cameras in 2018 and 2022.

Quincy Police Department Quincy Adams County IL Drones
The Quincy Police Department has purchased four drones, according to the 2022 Illinois Freedom from Drome Surveillance Act Report
Agency: Quincy Police Department
State: IL
City: Quincy
County: Adams County
Technology: Drones

The Quincy Police Department has purchased four drones, according to the 2022 Illinois Freedom from Drome Surveillance Act Report

Adams County Sheriff's Office Ritzville Adams County WA Drones DJI
The Adams County Sheriff's Office operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2016, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Adams County Sheriff's Office
State: WA
City: Ritzville
County: Adams County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Adams County Sheriff's Office operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2016, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Adams County Sheriff's Office Friendship Adams County WI Drones DJI
The Adams County Sheriff's Office operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2015, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Adams County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Friendship
County: Adams County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Adams County Sheriff's Office operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2015, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Adams County Sheriff's Office Natchez Adams County MS Drones DJI
The Adams County Sheriff's Office operates two DJI drones as of 2016, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Adams County Sheriff's Office
State: MS
City: Natchez
County: Adams County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Adams County Sheriff's Office operates two DJI drones as of 2016, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Arvada Police Department Arvada Jefferson County, Adams County CO Drones
The Arvada Police Department operated drones as of 2022.
Agency: Arvada Police Department
State: CO
City: Arvada
County: Jefferson County, Adams County
Technology: Drones

The Arvada Police Department operated drones as of 2022.

Commerce City Police Department Commerce City Adams County CO Drones DJI
The Commerce City Police Department operates a Drone as First Responder (DFR) program.
Agency: Commerce City Police Department
State: CO
City: Commerce City
County: Adams County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Commerce City Police Department operates a Drone as First Responder (DFR) program.

Decatur Police Department Decatur Adams County IN Drones DJI
The Decatur Police Department operates one DJI Mavic drone as of 2019, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Decatur Police Department
State: IN
City: Decatur
County: Adams County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Decatur Police Department operates one DJI Mavic drone as of 2019, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Hastings Police Department Hastings Adams County NE Drones
The Hastings Police Department operates one drone as of 2019, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Hastings Police Department
State: NE
City: Hastings
County: Adams County
Technology: Drones

The Hastings Police Department operates one drone as of 2019, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Quincy Police Department Quincy Adams County IL Body-worn Cameras Motorola Solutions
The Quincy Police Department has 58 body-worn cameras.
Agency: Quincy Police Department
State: IL
City: Quincy
County: Adams County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Motorola Solutions

The Quincy Police Department has 58 body-worn cameras.

Adams County Sheriff's Office Natchez Adams County MS Body-worn Cameras
The Adams County Sheriff's Office uses body-worn cameras. The department was one of 65 law enforcement agencies whose body-worn camera policy was analyzed by the ACLU of Mississippi in 2017.
Agency: Adams County Sheriff's Office
State: MS
City: Natchez
County: Adams County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Adams County Sheriff's Office uses body-worn cameras. The department was one of 65 law enforcement agencies whose body-worn camera policy was analyzed by the ACLU of Mississippi in 2017.

Brighton Police Department Brighton Adams County CO Camera Registry
The Brighton Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.
Agency: Brighton Police Department
State: CO
City: Brighton
County: Adams County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Brighton Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.

Thornton Police Department Thornton Adams County, Weld County CO Camera Registry
The Thornton Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.
Agency: Thornton Police Department
State: CO
City: Thornton
County: Adams County, Weld County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Thornton Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.

Quincy Police Department Quincy Adams County IL Camera Registry
The Quincy Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.
Agency: Quincy Police Department
State: IL
City: Quincy
County: Adams County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Quincy Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.

Hastings Police Department Hastings Adams County NE Body-worn Cameras
The Hastings Police Department began using body-worn cameras in late 2016.
Agency: Hastings Police Department
State: NE
City: Hastings
County: Adams County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Hastings Police Department began using body-worn cameras in late 2016.

Adams Police Department Adams Adams County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Adams Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Adams Police Department
State: WI
City: Adams
County: Adams County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Adams Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Carroll Valley Borough Police Department Carroll Valley Adams County PA Body-worn Cameras Digital Ally
The Carroll Valley Borough Police Department has been using drones since at least 2021.
Agency: Carroll Valley Borough Police Department
State: PA
City: Carroll Valley
County: Adams County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Digital Ally

The Carroll Valley Borough Police Department has been using drones since at least 2021.

Quincy Police Department Quincy Adams County IL Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Quincy Police Department received approval in spring 2023 to install 20 Flock Safety automated license plate readers.
Agency: Quincy Police Department
State: IL
City: Quincy
County: Adams County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Quincy Police Department received approval in spring 2023 to install 20 Flock Safety automated license plate readers.

University of Colorado, Anschutz Police Department Aurora Adams County CO Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The University of Colorado, Anschutz Police Department uses Flock Safety automated license plate readers.
Agency: University of Colorado, Anschutz Police Department
State: CO
City: Aurora
County: Adams County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The University of Colorado, Anschutz Police Department uses Flock Safety automated license plate readers.

17th Judicial District Attorney’s Office Brighton Adams County, Broomfield County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The 17th Judicial District Attorney’s Office received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: 17th Judicial District Attorney’s Office
State: CO
City: Brighton
County: Adams County, Broomfield County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The 17th Judicial District Attorney’s Office received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Arvada Police Department Arvada Jefferson County, Adams County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The Arvada Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: Arvada Police Department
State: CO
City: Arvada
County: Jefferson County, Adams County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The Arvada Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Aurora Police Department Aurora Arapahoe County, Douglas County, Adams County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The Aurora Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: Aurora Police Department
State: CO
City: Aurora
County: Arapahoe County, Douglas County, Adams County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The Aurora Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Brighton Police Department Brighton Adams County, Weld County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The Brighton Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: Brighton Police Department
State: CO
City: Brighton
County: Adams County, Weld County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The Brighton Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Commerce City Police Department Commerce City Adams County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The Commerce City Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: Commerce City Police Department
State: CO
City: Commerce City
County: Adams County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The Commerce City Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Federal Heights Police Department Federal Heights Adams County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The Federal Heights Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: Federal Heights Police Department
State: CO
City: Federal Heights
County: Adams County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The Federal Heights Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Lochbuie Police Department Lochbuie Weld County, Adams County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The Lochbuie Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: Lochbuie Police Department
State: CO
City: Lochbuie
County: Weld County, Adams County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The Lochbuie Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Northglenn Police Department Northglenn Adams County, Weld County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The Northglenn Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: Northglenn Police Department
State: CO
City: Northglenn
County: Adams County, Weld County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The Northglenn Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Thornton Police Department Thornton Adams County, Weld County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The Thornton Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: Thornton Police Department
State: CO
City: Thornton
County: Adams County, Weld County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The Thornton Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Westminster Police Department Westminster Adams County, Jefferson County CO Third-party Investigative Platforms LexisNexis
The Westminster Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.
Agency: Westminster Police Department
State: CO
City: Westminster
County: Adams County, Jefferson County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: LexisNexis

The Westminster Police Department received a single user account for LexisNexis' Accurint Virtual Crime Center through its membership in the Colorado Information Sharing Consortium.

Adams Police Department Adams Adams County MA Third-party Investigative Platforms SoundThinking
The Adams Police Department has access to SoundThinking's CrimeTracer (formerly Coplink X) investigative platform through a statewide contract announced in December 2022.
Agency: Adams Police Department
State: MA
City: Adams
County: Adams County
Technology: Third-party Investigative Platforms
Vendor: SoundThinking

The Adams Police Department has access to SoundThinking's CrimeTracer (formerly Coplink X) investigative platform through a statewide contract announced in December 2022.

Adams County Sheriff's Office Commerce Adams County ID Body-worn Cameras
The Adams County Sheriff's Office received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $15,103 for 24 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: Adams County Sheriff's Office
State: ID
City: Commerce
County: Adams County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Adams County Sheriff's Office received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $15,103 for 24 body-worn cameras in 2023.

Adams County Sheriff's Office Quincy Adams County IL Body-worn Cameras Motorola
The Adams County Sheriff's Office purchased 27 Motorola body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: Adams County Sheriff's Office
State: IL
City: Quincy
County: Adams County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Motorola

The Adams County Sheriff's Office purchased 27 Motorola body-worn cameras in 2023.

Brighton Police Department Brighton Adams County; Weld County CO Body-worn Cameras Axon
Brighton Police Department began implemetation of a body-worn camera program in 2021.
Agency: Brighton Police Department
State: CO
City: Brighton
County: Adams County; Weld County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

Brighton Police Department began implemetation of a body-worn camera program in 2021.

Aguadilla Municipal Police Department Aguadilla Aguadilla County PR Body-worn Cameras
The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $66,000 to the Aguadilla Municipal Police Department in 2019 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.
Agency: Aguadilla Municipal Police Department
State: PR
City: Aguadilla
County: Aguadilla County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $66,000 to the Aguadilla Municipal Police Department in 2019 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.

Aiken Department of Public Safety Aiken Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $47,125 to the Aiken Department of Public Safety in 2016 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.
Agency: Aiken Department of Public Safety
State: SC
City: Aiken
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $47,125 to the Aiken Department of Public Safety in 2016 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.

Salley Police Department Salley Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Salley Police Department received $987 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal year 2018.
Agency: Salley Police Department
State: SC
City: Salley
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Salley Police Department received $987 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal year 2018.

Second Circuit Public Defender Aiken Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Second Circuit Public Defender received $1137.78 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal year 2019.
Agency: Second Circuit Public Defender
State: SC
City: Aiken
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Second Circuit Public Defender received $1137.78 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal year 2019.

New Ellenton Police Deparment New Ellenton Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The New Ellenton Police Deparment received $9162.72 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal year 2020.
Agency: New Ellenton Police Deparment
State: SC
City: New Ellenton
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The New Ellenton Police Deparment received $9162.72 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal year 2020.

Wagener Police Department Wagener Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Wagener Police Department received a total of $37309.49 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal years 2018-2022.
Agency: Wagener Police Department
State: SC
City: Wagener
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Wagener Police Department received a total of $37309.49 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal years 2018-2022.

Second Circuit Solicitor's Office Aiken Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Second Circuit Solicitor's Office received a total of $86764.85 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal years 2018-2022.
Agency: Second Circuit Solicitor's Office
State: SC
City: Aiken
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Second Circuit Solicitor's Office received a total of $86764.85 in state funding for body-worn cameras in fiscal years 2018-2022.

Aiken County Sheriff's Office Aiken Aiken County SC Drones DJI
The Aiken County Sheriff's Office had a drone program as of 2023.
Agency: Aiken County Sheriff's Office
State: SC
City: Aiken
County: Aiken County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Aiken County Sheriff's Office had a drone program as of 2023.

Aiken County Sheriff's Office Aiken Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Aiken County Sheriff’s Office purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $142,268 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Agency: Aiken County Sheriff's Office
State: SC
City: Aiken
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Aiken County Sheriff’s Office purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $142,268 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.

Jackson Police Department Jackson Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Jackson Police Department purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $7,570 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Agency: Jackson Police Department
State: SC
City: Jackson
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Jackson Police Department purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $7,570 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.

North Augusta Department of Public Safety North Augusta Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The North Augusta Public Safety purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $29,124 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Agency: North Augusta Department of Public Safety
State: SC
City: North Augusta
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The North Augusta Public Safety purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $29,124 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.

University of South Carolina – Aiken Police Department Aiken Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The University of South Carolina – Aiken purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $20,795 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Agency: University of South Carolina – Aiken Police Department
State: SC
City: Aiken
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The University of South Carolina – Aiken purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $20,795 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.

Burnettown Police Department Burnettown Aiken County SC Body-worn Cameras
The Burnettown Police Department purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $8,800 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Agency: Burnettown Police Department
State: SC
City: Burnettown
County: Aiken County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Burnettown Police Department purchased body-worn cameras in 2016 with a $8,800 grant through the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.

Aiken Department of Public Safety Aiken Aiken County SC Automated License Plate Readers
The Aiken Department of Public Safety uses automated license plate readers as part of a statewide program managed by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.
Agency: Aiken Department of Public Safety
State: SC
City: Aiken
County: Aiken County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

The Aiken Department of Public Safety uses automated license plate readers as part of a statewide program managed by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.

Aitkin Police Department Aitkin Aitkin County MN Body-worn Cameras
The Aitkin Police Department has seven Axon body-worn cameras, according to a 2023 audit.
Agency: Aitkin Police Department
State: MN
City: Aitkin
County: Aitkin County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Aitkin Police Department has seven Axon body-worn cameras, according to a 2023 audit.

Aitkin County Sheriff's Office Aitkin Aitkin County MN Body-worn Cameras
The Aitkin County Sheriff's Office uses Visual Labs body-worn cameras, according to a 2024 audit.
Agency: Aitkin County Sheriff's Office
State: MN
City: Aitkin
County: Aitkin County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Aitkin County Sheriff's Office uses Visual Labs body-worn cameras, according to a 2024 audit.

Gainesville Police Department Gainesville Alachua County FL Body-worn Cameras Axon
In 2018, the Gainesville City Comission approved a $609,972 contract between the Gainsville Police Department and Axon. The department was supplied with 190 Tasers, 107 body cameras, and 107 signal units for patrol vehicles.
Agency: Gainesville Police Department
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

In 2018, the Gainesville City Comission approved a $609,972 contract between the Gainsville Police Department and Axon. The department was supplied with 190 Tasers, 107 body cameras, and 107 signal units for patrol vehicles.

Santa Fe College Police Department Gainesville Alachua County FL Body-worn Cameras
The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $28,490 to the Santa Fe College Police Department in 2016 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.
Agency: Santa Fe College Police Department
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $28,490 to the Santa Fe College Police Department in 2016 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.

Gainesville Police Department Gainesville Alachua County FL Face Recognition Clearview AI
The Gainesville Police Department spent $10,000 on Clearview AI face recognition technology for seven users in 2019.
Agency: Gainesville Police Department
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Face Recognition
Vendor: Clearview AI

The Gainesville Police Department spent $10,000 on Clearview AI face recognition technology for seven users in 2019.

Alachua County Sheriff's Office Gainesville Alachua County FL Body-worn Cameras Utility
The Alachua County Sheriff's office purchased 190 body-worn cameras in late 2021, early 2022.
Agency: Alachua County Sheriff's Office
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Utility

The Alachua County Sheriff's office purchased 190 body-worn cameras in late 2021, early 2022.

Gainesville Police Department Gainesville Alachua County FL Automated License Plate Readers Vigilant Solutions
The Gainesville Police Department scanned 67,557 license plates in 2019 using Vigilant Solutions automated license plate readers.
Agency: Gainesville Police Department
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Vigilant Solutions

The Gainesville Police Department scanned 67,557 license plates in 2019 using Vigilant Solutions automated license plate readers.

Alachua County Sheriff's Office Gainesville Alachua County FL Automated License Plate Readers Vigilant Solutions
The Alachua County Sheriff's Office scanned 394,279 license plates in 2019 using Vigilant Solutions automated license plate readers.
Agency: Alachua County Sheriff's Office
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Vigilant Solutions

The Alachua County Sheriff's Office scanned 394,279 license plates in 2019 using Vigilant Solutions automated license plate readers.

Alachua County Sheriff's Office Gainesville Alachua County FL Face Recognition Idemia
The Alachua County Sheriff's Office is one of more than 275 law enforcement agencies with access to the Face Analysis Comparison & Examination System (FACES), a face recognition program maintained by the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office. Investigators may upload an image to search more than 25-million Florida driver's license photos and mugshots.
Agency: Alachua County Sheriff's Office
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Face Recognition
Vendor: Idemia

The Alachua County Sheriff's Office is one of more than 275 law enforcement agencies with access to the Face Analysis Comparison & Examination System (FACES), a face recognition program maintained by the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office. Investigators may upload an image to search more than 25-million Florida driver's license photos and mugshots.

Gainesville Police Department Gainesville Alachua County FL Face Recognition Idemia
The Gainesville Police Department is one of more than 275 law enforcement agencies with access to the Face Analysis Comparison & Examination System (FACES), a face recognition program maintained by the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office. Investigators may upload an image to search more than 25-million Florida driver's license photos and mugshots.
Agency: Gainesville Police Department
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Face Recognition
Vendor: Idemia

The Gainesville Police Department is one of more than 275 law enforcement agencies with access to the Face Analysis Comparison & Examination System (FACES), a face recognition program maintained by the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office. Investigators may upload an image to search more than 25-million Florida driver's license photos and mugshots.

University of Florida Police Department Gainesville Alachua County FL Face Recognition Idemia
The University of Florida Police Department is one of more than 275 law enforcement agencies with access to the Face Analysis Comparison & Examination System (FACES), a face recognition program maintained by the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office. Investigators may upload an image to search more than 25-million Florida driver's license photos and mugshots.
Agency: University of Florida Police Department
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Face Recognition
Vendor: Idemia

The University of Florida Police Department is one of more than 275 law enforcement agencies with access to the Face Analysis Comparison & Examination System (FACES), a face recognition program maintained by the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office. Investigators may upload an image to search more than 25-million Florida driver's license photos and mugshots.

University of Florida Police Department Gainesville Alachua County FL Automated License Plate Readers Vigilant Solutions, NDI Recognition Systems
The University of Florida Police Department uses automated license plate readers. Vigilant Solutions ALPRs were installed 16 intersections surrounding the University's campus in 2020. Records show the university police also used NDI systems in 2017.
Agency: University of Florida Police Department
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Vigilant Solutions, NDI Recognition Systems

The University of Florida Police Department uses automated license plate readers. Vigilant Solutions ALPRs were installed 16 intersections surrounding the University's campus in 2020. Records show the university police also used NDI systems in 2017.

University of Florida, University Police Department Gainesville Alachua County FL Body-worn Cameras
The University of Florida, University Police Department uses body-worn cameras, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's 2019 Criminal Justice Agency Profile Report.
Agency: University of Florida, University Police Department
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The University of Florida, University Police Department uses body-worn cameras, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's 2019 Criminal Justice Agency Profile Report.

University of Florida Police Department Gainesville Alachua County FL Body-worn Cameras Axon
The University of Florida Police Department uses Axon body-worn cameras.
Agency: University of Florida Police Department
State: FL
City: Gainesville
County: Alachua County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The University of Florida Police Department uses Axon body-worn cameras.

Mebane Police Department Mebane Alamance County NC Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Mebane Police Department entered into a five-year, $374,000 contract with Axon for body-worn cameras and data storage in 2022.
Agency: Mebane Police Department
State: NC
City: Mebane
County: Alamance County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Mebane Police Department entered into a five-year, $374,000 contract with Axon for body-worn cameras and data storage in 2022.

Alamance County Sheriff's Office Graham Alamance County NC Drones DJI
The Alamance County Sheriff's Office operates two DJI drones as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Alamance County Sheriff's Office
State: NC
City: Graham
County: Alamance County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Alamance County Sheriff's Office operates two DJI drones as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Elon University Campus Police Department Elon Alamance County NC Automated License Plate Readers
The Elon University Campus Police Department has been using automated license plate readers (ALPR) since 2015. In 2015, they had 14 ALPRs.
Agency: Elon University Campus Police Department
State: NC
City: Elon
County: Alamance County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

The Elon University Campus Police Department has been using automated license plate readers (ALPR) since 2015. In 2015, they had 14 ALPRs.

Fremont Police Department Freemont Alamdea County CA Camera Registry
The Freemont Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.
Agency: Fremont Police Department
State: CA
City: Freemont
County: Alamdea County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Freemont Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.

Alameda Police Department Alameda Alameda County CA Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Alameda Police Department's policy manual indicates that all uniformed officers use body-worn cameras when in the field.
Agency: Alameda Police Department
State: CA
City: Alameda
County: Alameda County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Alameda Police Department's policy manual indicates that all uniformed officers use body-worn cameras when in the field.

Albany Police Department Albany Alameda County CA Body-worn Cameras Axon
Albany Police Department uses Axon body-worn cameras.
Agency: Albany Police Department
State: CA
City: Albany
County: Alameda County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

Albany Police Department uses Axon body-worn cameras.

Berkeley Police Department Berkeley Alameda County CA Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Berkeley Police Department uses Axon body-worn cameras
Agency: Berkeley Police Department
State: CA
City: Berkeley
County: Alameda County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Berkeley Police Department uses Axon body-worn cameras

Emeryville Police Department Emeryville Alameda County CA Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Emeryville Police Department began using Vievu body-worn cameras in August 2015. The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $67,500 to the Emeryville Police Department in 2018 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.
Agency: Emeryville Police Department
State: CA
City: Emeryville
County: Alameda County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Emeryville Police Department began using Vievu body-worn cameras in August 2015. The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $67,500 to the Emeryville Police Department in 2018 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.

Fremont Police Department Fremont Alameda County CA Body-worn Cameras WatchGuard
The Fremont Police Department issued body-worn cameras to all sworn officers and non-sworn Animal Service Officers and Community Service Officers in November 2018.
Agency: Fremont Police Department
State: CA
City: Fremont
County: Alameda County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: WatchGuard

The Fremont Police Department issued body-worn cameras to all sworn officers and non-sworn Animal Service Officers and Community Service Officers in November 2018.

Hayward Police Department Hayward Alameda County CA Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Hayward Police Department began using body-worn cameras in January 2016.
Agency: Hayward Police Department
State: CA
City: Hayward
County: Alameda County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Hayward Police Department began using body-worn cameras in January 2016.