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Documenting Police Tech in Our Communities
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Agency City County State Technology Vendor
Calumet County Sheriff's Office Columbus Calumet County WI Body-worn Cameras
Calumet County Sheriff's Office received $80,000 to purchase 40 body-worn cameras through the Small, Rural and TribalBody-worn Camera Program in 2024.
Agency: Calumet County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Columbus
County: Calumet County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Calumet County Sheriff's Office received $80,000 to purchase 40 body-worn cameras through the Small, Rural and TribalBody-worn Camera Program in 2024.

Cornell Police Department Cornell Chippewa County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Cornell Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Cornell Police Department
State: WI
City: Cornell
County: Chippewa County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Cornell Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Cottage Grove Police Department Cottage Grove Dane County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Cottage Grove Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Cottage Grove Police Department
State: WI
City: Cottage Grove
County: Dane County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Cottage Grove Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Forest County Sheriff's Office Crandon Forest County WI Drones
The Forest County Sheriff's Office operates one drone as of 2015, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Forest County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Crandon
County: Forest County
Technology: Drones

The Forest County Sheriff's Office operates one drone as of 2015, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Forest County Sheriff's Office Crandon Forest County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Forest County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Forest County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Crandon
County: Forest County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Forest County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Crandon Police Department Crandon Forest County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Crandon Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Crandon Police Department
State: WI
City: Crandon
County: Forest County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Crandon Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Forest County Sheriff's Office Crandon Forest Counthy WI Gunshot Detection
The Forest County Sheriff's Office received a federal grant in 2023 for gunshot detection technology.
Agency: Forest County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Crandon
County: Forest Counthy
Technology: Gunshot Detection

The Forest County Sheriff's Office received a federal grant in 2023 for gunshot detection technology.

Cuba City Police Department Cuba City Grant County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Cuba City Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Cuba City Police Department
State: WI
City: Cuba City
County: Grant County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Cuba City Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Cumberland Police Department Cumberland Barron County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Cumberland Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Cumberland Police Department
State: WI
City: Cumberland
County: Barron County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Cumberland Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Lafayette County Sheriff's Office Darlington Lafayette County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Lafayette County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Lafayette County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Darlington
County: Lafayette County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Lafayette County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Darlington Police Department Darlington Lafayette County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Darlington Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Darlington Police Department
State: WI
City: Darlington
County: Lafayette County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Darlington Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

DeForest Police Department DeForest Dane County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the DeForest Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey. The Deforest Police Department also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $1,185.00 for 6 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: DeForest Police Department
State: WI
City: DeForest
County: Dane County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the DeForest Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey. The Deforest Police Department also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $1,185.00 for 6 body-worn cameras in 2023.

DeForest Police Department DeForest Dane County WI Drones
The DeForest Police Department purchased a drone equipped thermal imaging technology in 2022.
Agency: DeForest Police Department
State: WI
City: DeForest
County: Dane County
Technology: Drones

The DeForest Police Department purchased a drone equipped thermal imaging technology in 2022.

Delavan Police Department Delavan Walworth County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Delavan Town Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Delavan Police Department
State: WI
City: Delavan
County: Walworth County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Delavan Town Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Delavan Police Department Delavan Walworth County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Delavan Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Delavan Police Department
State: WI
City: Delavan
County: Walworth County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Delavan Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Dodgeville Police Department Dodgeville Iowa County WI Body-worn Cameras
The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $13,203 to the Dodgeville Police Department in 2016 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.
Agency: Dodgeville Police Department
State: WI
City: Dodgeville
County: Iowa County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $13,203 to the Dodgeville Police Department in 2016 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.

Iowa County Sheriff's Office Dodgeville Iowa County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Iowa County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Iowa County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Dodgeville
County: Iowa County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Iowa County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Pepin County Sheriff's Office Durand Pepin County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Pepin County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Pepin County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Durand
County: Pepin County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Pepin County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Durand Police Department Durand Pepin County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Durand Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Durand Police Department
State: WI
City: Durand
County: Pepin County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Durand Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Eagle Police Department Eagle Waukesha County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Eagle Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Eagle Police Department
State: WI
City: Eagle
County: Waukesha County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Eagle Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Vilas County Sheriff's Office Eagle River Vilas County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Vilas County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Vilas County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Eagle River
County: Vilas County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Vilas County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Eagle River Police Department Eagle River Vilas County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Eagle River Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Eagle River Police Department
State: WI
City: Eagle River
County: Vilas County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Eagle River Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

East Troy Town Police Department East Troy Walworth County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the East Troy Town Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: East Troy Town Police Department
State: WI
City: East Troy
County: Walworth County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the East Troy Town Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

East Troy Village Police Department East Troy Walworth County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the East Troy Village Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: East Troy Village Police Department
State: WI
City: East Troy
County: Walworth County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the East Troy Village Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Eau Claire Police Department Eau Claire Eau Claire County WI Drones DJI
The Eau Claire Police Department operates one DJI Police drone as of 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Eau Claire Police Department
State: WI
City: Eau Claire
County: Eau Claire County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Eau Claire Police Department operates one DJI Police drone as of 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Police Department Eau Claire Eau Claire County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Police Department
State: WI
City: Eau Claire
County: Eau Claire County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Eau Claire Police Department Eau Claire Eau Claire County WI Body-worn Cameras
In 2021, PESI Inc., a nonprofit continuing-education organization, "pledged to donate $949,622 to the Eau Claire Police Department and the Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Department to purchase body cameras, to replace squad vehicle camera systems and interview room camera systems, and to pay for cloud-based storage of the video data for five years."
Agency: Eau Claire Police Department
State: WI
City: Eau Claire
County: Eau Claire County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

In 2021, PESI Inc., a nonprofit continuing-education organization, "pledged to donate $949,622 to the Eau Claire Police Department and the Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Department to purchase body cameras, to replace squad vehicle camera systems and interview room camera systems, and to pay for cloud-based storage of the video data for five years."

Eau Claire County Sheriff's Office Eau Claire Eau Claire County WI Body-worn Cameras
In 2021, PESI Inc., a nonprofit continuing-education organization, "pledged to donate $949,622 to the Eau Claire Police Department and the Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Department to purchase body cameras, to replace squad vehicle camera systems and interview room camera systems, and to pay for cloud-based storage of the video data for five years."
Agency: Eau Claire County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Eau Claire
County: Eau Claire County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

In 2021, PESI Inc., a nonprofit continuing-education organization, "pledged to donate $949,622 to the Eau Claire Police Department and the Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Department to purchase body cameras, to replace squad vehicle camera systems and interview room camera systems, and to pay for cloud-based storage of the video data for five years."

Edgerton Police Department Edgerton Rock County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Edgerton Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Edgerton Police Department
State: WI
City: Edgerton
County: Rock County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Edgerton Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Elkhart Lake Police Department Elkhart Lake Sheboygan County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Elkhart Lake Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Elkhart Lake Police Department
State: WI
City: Elkhart Lake
County: Sheboygan County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Elkhart Lake Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Walworth County Sheriff's Office Elkhorn Walworth County WI Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Walworth County Sheriff's Office tested body-worn cameras in 2017 and fully equipped all uniformed deputies in the patrol division with Axon cameras in 2018.
Agency: Walworth County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Elkhorn
County: Walworth County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Walworth County Sheriff's Office tested body-worn cameras in 2017 and fully equipped all uniformed deputies in the patrol division with Axon cameras in 2018.

Walworth County Sheriff's Office Elkhorn Walworth County WI Drones
The Walworth County Sheriff's Office operates one drone, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Walworth County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Elkhorn
County: Walworth County
Technology: Drones

The Walworth County Sheriff's Office operates one drone, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Elkhorn Police Department Elkhorn Walworth County WI Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Elkhorn Police Department has installed four Flock Safety automated license plate readers, as of August 2023.
Agency: Elkhorn Police Department
State: WI
City: Elkhorn
County: Walworth County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Elkhorn Police Department has installed four Flock Safety automated license plate readers, as of August 2023.

Pierce County Sheriff's Office Ellsworth Pierce County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Pierce County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Ellsworth
County: Pierce County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Pierce County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Ellsworth Police Department Ellsworth Pierce County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Ellsworth Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Ellsworth Police Department
State: WI
City: Ellsworth
County: Pierce County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Ellsworth Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Elroy Police Department Elroy Juneau County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Elroy Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Elroy Police Department
State: WI
City: Elroy
County: Juneau County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Elroy Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Evansville Police Department Evansville Rock County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Evansville Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Evansville Police Department
State: WI
City: Evansville
County: Rock County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Evansville Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Everest Metropolitan Police Department Everest Marathon county WI Body-worn Cameras
Everest Metropolitan Police Department received $8,764 to purchase 14 body-worn cameras through the Small, Rural and Tribal Body-Worn Camera program in 2024.
Agency: Everest Metropolitan Police Department
State: WI
City: Everest
County: Marathon county
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Everest Metropolitan Police Department received $8,764 to purchase 14 body-worn cameras through the Small, Rural and Tribal Body-Worn Camera program in 2024.

Farmington Police Department Farmington Washington County WI Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Farmington Police Department purchased new Axon body cameras for $125,000 in July 2023.
Agency: Farmington Police Department
State: WI
City: Farmington
County: Washington County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Farmington Police Department purchased new Axon body cameras for $125,000 in July 2023.

Fennimore Police Department Fennimore Grant County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Fennimore Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Fennimore Police Department
State: WI
City: Fennimore
County: Grant County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Fennimore Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Fitchburg Police Department Fitchburg Dane County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Fitchburg Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Fitchburg Police Department
State: WI
City: Fitchburg
County: Dane County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Fitchburg Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Fond Du Lac County Sheriff's Office Fond du Lac Fond Du Lac County WI Body-worn Cameras
The Fond Du Lac County Sheriff's Office received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $66,456.00 for 36 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: Fond Du Lac County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Fond du Lac
County: Fond Du Lac County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Fond Du Lac County Sheriff's Office received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $66,456.00 for 36 body-worn cameras in 2023.

Fond du Lac County Sheriff's Office Fond Du Lac Fond du Lac County WI Drones DJI
The Fond du Lac County Sheriff's Office operates one DJI Matrice 210 drone as of 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Fond du Lac County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Fond Du Lac
County: Fond du Lac County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Fond du Lac County Sheriff's Office operates one DJI Matrice 210 drone as of 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Fontana Police Department Fontana-On-Geneva Lake Walworth County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Fontana Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Fontana Police Department
State: WI
City: Fontana-On-Geneva Lake
County: Walworth County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Fontana Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Fort Atkinson Police Department Fort Atkinson Jefferson County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Fort Atkinson Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Fort Atkinson Police Department
State: WI
City: Fort Atkinson
County: Jefferson County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Fort Atkinson Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Franklin Police Department Franklin Milwaukee County WI Drones
The Franklin Police Department operates one drone as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Franklin Police Department
State: WI
City: Franklin
County: Milwaukee County
Technology: Drones

The Franklin Police Department operates one drone as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Franklin Police Department Franklin Milwaukee County WI Camera Registry
The Franklin Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.
Agency: Franklin Police Department
State: WI
City: Franklin
County: Milwaukee County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Franklin Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.

Franklin Police Department Franklin Jackson County WI Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Franklin Police Departmentt has installed five Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023.
Agency: Franklin Police Department
State: WI
City: Franklin
County: Jackson County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Franklin Police Departmentt has installed five Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023.

Frederic Police Department Frederic Polk County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Frederic Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Frederic Police Department
State: WI
City: Frederic
County: Polk County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Frederic Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Adams County Sheriff's Office Friendship Adams County WI Drones DJI
The Adams County Sheriff's Office operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2015, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Adams County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Friendship
County: Adams County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Adams County Sheriff's Office operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2015, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Fulton Police Department Fulton Rock County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Fulton Town Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Fulton Police Department
State: WI
City: Fulton
County: Rock County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Fulton Town Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Genoa City Police Department Genoa City Walworth County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Genoa City Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Genoa City Police Department
State: WI
City: Genoa City
County: Walworth County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Genoa City Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Germantown Police Department Germantown Washington County WI Body-worn Cameras
The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $48,000 to the Germantown Police Department in 2018 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.
Agency: Germantown Police Department
State: WI
City: Germantown
County: Washington County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $48,000 to the Germantown Police Department in 2018 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.

Germantown Police Department Germantown Washington County WI Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Germantown Police Department has installed 11 Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023.
Agency: Germantown Police Department
State: WI
City: Germantown
County: Washington County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Germantown Police Department has installed 11 Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023.

Gibraltar Police Department Gibraltar Door County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Gibraltar Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey. The Gibraltar Police Department also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $2,000.00 for 2 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: Gibraltar Police Department
State: WI
City: Gibraltar
County: Door County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Gibraltar Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey. The Gibraltar Police Department also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $2,000.00 for 2 body-worn cameras in 2023.

Florence County Sheriff's Office Gibson Florence County WI Body-worn Cameras
Florence County Sheriff's Office received $24,000 to purchase 12 body-worn cameras through the Small, Rural and TribalBody-worn Camera Program in 2024.
Agency: Florence County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Gibson
County: Florence County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Florence County Sheriff's Office received $24,000 to purchase 12 body-worn cameras through the Small, Rural and TribalBody-worn Camera Program in 2024.

Glendale Police Department Glendale Monroe County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Glendale Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Glendale Police Department
State: WI
City: Glendale
County: Monroe County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Glendale Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Glendale Police Department Glendale Monroe County WI Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Glendale Police Department has installed three Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023.
Agency: Glendale Police Department
State: WI
City: Glendale
County: Monroe County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Glendale Police Department has installed three Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023.

Grafton Police Department Grafton Ozaukee County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Grafton Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Grafton Police Department
State: WI
City: Grafton
County: Ozaukee County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Grafton Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Grafton Police Department Grafton Ozaukee County WI Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Grafton Police Department has installed 10 Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023.
Agency: Grafton Police Department
State: WI
City: Grafton
County: Ozaukee County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Grafton Police Department has installed 10 Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023.

Grand Chute Police Department Grand Chute Outagamie County WI Body-worn Cameras
The Grand Chute Police Department uses body-worn cameras.
Agency: Grand Chute Police Department
State: WI
City: Grand Chute
County: Outagamie County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Grand Chute Police Department uses body-worn cameras.

Green Bay Police Department Green Bay Brown County WI Face Recognition Clearview AI
In November 2019, the Green Bay Police Department spent $3,000 on Clearview AI face recognition technology.
Agency: Green Bay Police Department
State: WI
City: Green Bay
County: Brown County
Technology: Face Recognition
Vendor: Clearview AI

In November 2019, the Green Bay Police Department spent $3,000 on Clearview AI face recognition technology.

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Police Department Green Bay Brown County WI Automated License Plate Readers
The University of Wisconsin, Green Bay Police Department has used mobile automated license plate readers since 2015.
Agency: University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Police Department
State: WI
City: Green Bay
County: Brown County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

The University of Wisconsin, Green Bay Police Department has used mobile automated license plate readers since 2015.

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Police Department Green Bay Brown County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Police Department
State: WI
City: Green Bay
County: Brown County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Brown County Sheriff's Office Green Bay Brown County WI Drones DJI
The Brown County Sheriff's Office started a drone program in 2019 and currently operates one DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual.
Agency: Brown County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Green Bay
County: Brown County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Brown County Sheriff's Office started a drone program in 2019 and currently operates one DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual.

Green Bay Police Department Green Bay Brown County WI Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
As of April 2024, the Green Bay Police Department operates 43 Flock Safety automated license plate readers. The agency stores ALPR data for 30 days.
Agency: Green Bay Police Department
State: WI
City: Green Bay
County: Brown County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

As of April 2024, the Green Bay Police Department operates 43 Flock Safety automated license plate readers. The agency stores ALPR data for 30 days.

Green Bay Police Department Green Bay Brown County WI Video Analytics BriefCam
The Green Bay Police Department uses BriefCam video synopsis software.
Agency: Green Bay Police Department
State: WI
City: Green Bay
County: Brown County
Technology: Video Analytics
Vendor: BriefCam

The Green Bay Police Department uses BriefCam video synopsis software.

Greendale Police Department Greendale Milwaukee County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Greendale Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Greendale Police Department
State: WI
City: Greendale
County: Milwaukee County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Greendale Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Greenfield Police Department Greenfield Milwaukee County WI Drones
The Greenfield Police Department operates one drone as of 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Greenfield Police Department
State: WI
City: Greenfield
County: Milwaukee County
Technology: Drones

The Greenfield Police Department operates one drone as of 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Greenfield Police Department Greenfield Milwaukee County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Greenfield Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Greenfield Police Department
State: WI
City: Greenfield
County: Milwaukee County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Greenfield Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Greenfield Police Department Greenfield Milwaukee County WI Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Greenfield Police Department has installed 21 Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023, with plans to install eight more.
Agency: Greenfield Police Department
State: WI
City: Greenfield
County: Milwaukee County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Greenfield Police Department has installed 21 Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023, with plans to install eight more.

Green Lake County Sheriff's Office Green Lake Green Lake County WI Drones RMUS
The Green Lake County Sheriff's Office operates one RMUS RMUS Drone drone as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Green Lake County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Green Lake
County: Green Lake County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: RMUS

The Green Lake County Sheriff's Office operates one RMUS RMUS Drone drone as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Hales Corners Police Department Hales Corners Milwaukee County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Hales Corners Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Hales Corners Police Department
State: WI
City: Hales Corners
County: Milwaukee County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Hales Corners Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Hancock Police Department Hancock Waushara County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Hancock Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Hancock Police Department
State: WI
City: Hancock
County: Waushara County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Hancock Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Hartford Police Department Hartford Washington County, Dodge County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Hartford Township Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Hartford Police Department
State: WI
City: Hartford
County: Washington County, Dodge County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Hartford Township Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Hartford Police Department Hartford Washington County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Hartford Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Hartford Police Department
State: WI
City: Hartford
County: Washington County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Hartford Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Hartford Police Department Hartford Washington County WI Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Hartford Police Department has installed five Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023.
Agency: Hartford Police Department
State: WI
City: Hartford
County: Washington County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Hartford Police Department has installed five Flock Safety automated license plate readers as of August 2023.

Sawyer County Sheriff's Office Hayward Sawyer County WI Body-worn Cameras
The Sawyer County Sheriff's Office received $64,000 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase 32 body-worn cameras through the 2022 Small, Rural, Tribal BWC Microgrant program.
Agency: Sawyer County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Hayward
County: Sawyer County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Sawyer County Sheriff's Office received $64,000 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase 32 body-worn cameras through the 2022 Small, Rural, Tribal BWC Microgrant program.

Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department Hayward Sawyer County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department
State: WI
City: Hayward
County: Sawyer County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Hayward Police Department Hayward Sawyer County WI Body-worn Cameras
The Hayward Police Department received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $10,000.00 for 5 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: Hayward Police Department
State: WI
City: Hayward
County: Sawyer County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Hayward Police Department received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $10,000.00 for 5 body-worn cameras in 2023.

Hazel Green Police Department Hazel Green Grant County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Hazel Green Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Hazel Green Police Department
State: WI
City: Hazel Green
County: Grant County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Hazel Green Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Highland Police Department Highland Iowa County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Highland Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Highland Police Department
State: WI
City: Highland
County: Iowa County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Highland Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Hillsboro Police Department Hillsboro Vernon County WI Body-worn Cameras
The Hillsboro Police Department received $2,750 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase 3 body-worn cameras through the 2022 Small, Rural, Tribal BWC Microgrant program.
Agency: Hillsboro Police Department
State: WI
City: Hillsboro
County: Vernon County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Hillsboro Police Department received $2,750 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase 3 body-worn cameras through the 2022 Small, Rural, Tribal BWC Microgrant program.

Holmen Police Department Holmen La Crosse County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Holmen Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey. The Holmen Police Department also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $34,000.00 for 17 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: Holmen Police Department
State: WI
City: Holmen
County: La Crosse County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Holmen Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey. The Holmen Police Department also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $34,000.00 for 17 body-worn cameras in 2023.

Horicon Police Department Horicon Dodge County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Horicon Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Horicon Police Department
State: WI
City: Horicon
County: Dodge County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Horicon Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Hortonville Police Department Hortonville Outagamie County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Hortonville Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Hortonville Police Department
State: WI
City: Hortonville
County: Outagamie County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Hortonville Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Croix County Sheriff's Office Hudson Croix County WI Automated License Plate Readers Vigilant Solutions
The Croix County Sheriff's Office scanned 48,177 license plates in 2018 using Vigilant Solutions automated license plate readers.
Agency: Croix County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Hudson
County: Croix County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Vigilant Solutions

The Croix County Sheriff's Office scanned 48,177 license plates in 2018 using Vigilant Solutions automated license plate readers.

St. Croix County Sheriff's Office Hudson St. Croix County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the St. Croix County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: St. Croix County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Hudson
County: St. Croix County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the St. Croix County Sheriff's Office wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Hudson Police Department Hudson Saint Croix County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Hudson Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Hudson Police Department
State: WI
City: Hudson
County: Saint Croix County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Hudson Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

North Hudson Police Department Hudson Saint Croix County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the North Hudson Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: North Hudson Police Department
State: WI
City: Hudson
County: Saint Croix County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the North Hudson Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Iron Ridge Police Department Iron Ridge Dodge County WI Body-worn Cameras
Some officers in the Iron Ridge Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Iron Ridge Police Department
State: WI
City: Iron Ridge
County: Dodge County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Some officers in the Iron Ridge Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Iron River Police Department Iron River Bayfield County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Iron River Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Iron River Police Department
State: WI
City: Iron River
County: Bayfield County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Iron River Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Jackson Police Department Jackson Washington County WI Body-worn Cameras
The Jackson Police Department received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $9,009 for 8 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: Jackson Police Department
State: WI
City: Jackson
County: Washington County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Jackson Police Department received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $9,009 for 8 body-worn cameras in 2023.

Janesville Police Department Janesville Rock County WI Drones DJI
The Janesville Police Department Depatment operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Janesville Police Department
State: WI
City: Janesville
County: Rock County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Janesville Police Department Depatment operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2017, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Rock County Sheriff's Office Janesville Rock County WI Drones DJI
The Rock County Sheriff's Office operates five DJI drones as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Rock County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Janesville
County: Rock County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Rock County Sheriff's Office operates five DJI drones as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Janesville Police Department Janesville Rock County WI Body-worn Cameras Axon
In 2014, the Janesville Police Department started using 36 Axon body-worn cameras.
Agency: Janesville Police Department
State: WI
City: Janesville
County: Rock County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

In 2014, the Janesville Police Department started using 36 Axon body-worn cameras.

Rock County Sheriff's Office Janesville Rock County WI Body-worn Cameras Motorola Solutions
The Rock County Sheriff's Office began using body-worn cameras in 2021.
Agency: Rock County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Janesville
County: Rock County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Motorola Solutions

The Rock County Sheriff's Office began using body-worn cameras in 2021.

Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Jefferson Jefferson County WI Body-worn Cameras
The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office uses body-worn cameras.
Agency: Jefferson County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Jefferson
County: Jefferson County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office uses body-worn cameras.

Jefferson Police Department Jefferson Jefferson County WI Body-worn Cameras
All officers in the Jefferson Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.
Agency: Jefferson Police Department
State: WI
City: Jefferson
County: Jefferson County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

All officers in the Jefferson Police Department wear body-worn cameras, according to a 2020 Wisconsin Department of Justice survey.

Dodge County Sheriff's Office Juneau Dodge County WI Drones
The Dodge County Sheriff's Office operates one drone as of 2016, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Dodge County Sheriff's Office
State: WI
City: Juneau
County: Dodge County
Technology: Drones

The Dodge County Sheriff's Office operates one drone as of 2016, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.